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Embrace the pockets, embrace the ride – cargo bibs: where convenience meets cycling style!

Cargo bib shorts: the marmite of the cycling world. Some swear by their convenience and versatility, while others scoff at the sacrifice of sleek lines and aerodynamics. But let's face it, folks, cargo bibs are here to stay, and we're here to tell you why they shouldn't be anyone's enemy.

Reason #1


First off, let's talk about convenience. Picture this: you're out on a long ride, miles away from civilization, and hunger strikes. Do you really want to rummage through your saddlebag or try to fish your snacks out of your jersey pockets while navigating rough terrain?

Café du Cycliste Men's Eva Cargo Bib Shorts Apparel - Clothing - Men's Bibs - Road - Bib Shorts
Staff Pick

Café du Cycliste Men's Eva Cargo Bib Shorts

Café du Cycliste Women's Elsa Cargo Bib Shorts Oyster Grey / XS Apparel - Clothing - Women's Shorts - Road

Café du Cycliste Women's Elsa Cargo Bib Shorts


Enter cargo bibs, the heroes of snack storage. With extra pockets strategically placed on your thighs or back, you can stash your energy bars, gels, or even a cheeky candy bar within easy reach. No more awkward fumbling or stopping mid-ride to refuel. It's like having a snack bar on wheels!

Reason #2


But it's not just about the munchies. Cargo bibs offer a level of flexibility that traditional cycling gear just can't match. Sure, jerseys are great and all, but sometimes you want to mix things up a bit.

Rapha Men's Core Cargo Bib Shorts Black/Black / XS Apparel - Clothing - Men's Bibs - Road - Bib Shorts

Rapha Men's Core Cargo Bib Shorts

From C$184.00 C$230.00
Rapha Women's Cargo Bib Shorts Black/Grey / XXS Apparel - Clothing - Women's Bibs - Road - Bib Shorts

Rapha Women's Cargo Bib Shorts

From C$340.00 C$425.00

Cargo bibs allow you to pair them with your favorite loose-fitting technical t-shirts, giving you that breezy, carefree feeling as you pedal through the countryside. Plus, who doesn't love the added storage space for your phone, keys, or even a small repair kit?

Reason #3


And let's not forget about winter riding. As temperatures drop and layers pile on, storage space becomes a hot commodity. Those tiny jersey pockets can only hold so much before they start bursting at the seams. But fear not, for cargo bibs are here to save the day once again.

7mesh Men's MK3 Cargo Bib Apparel - Clothing - Men's Bibs - Road - Bib Shorts

7mesh Men's MK3 Cargo Bib

From C$224.00 C$280.00
7mesh Women's WK3 Cargo Bib Short Black Galaxy / XS Apparel - Clothing - Women's Bibs - Road - Bib Shorts

7mesh Women's WK3 Cargo Bib Short

From C$184.00 C$230.00

With extra storage space on your thighs or back, you can easily stash your extra gloves, arm warmers, or even a lightweight jacket without feeling like a pack mule. Say goodbye to bulky saddlebags and hello to streamlined style.

Reason #4


There is no denying that the back jersey pockets are sleeker, aerodynamic and out of sight but for many, they are also out of reach. For anyone with limited mobility or stiff shoulders the cargo pocket on the shorts are a dream come true. No need to be a contortionist to reach that gel squished into the back pocket when bonking is on your horizon.

Assos Men's MILLE GTC KIESPANZER C2 Bib Shorts blackSeries / XS Apparel - Clothing - Men's Bibs - Road - Bib Shorts

Assos Men's MILLE GTC KIESPANZER C2 Bib Shorts

Assos TRAIL Women's Cargo Shorts Blackseries / Large Apparel - Clothing - Women's Bibs - Mountain

Assos TRAIL Women's Cargo Shorts

C$94.50 C$189.00

There also no denying that the cargo pocket is likely a safer option. Less hand travel required to access the pocket, less twisting and clearer visibility.


  • Convenience: Cargo bib shorts offer extra pockets for storing essentials like snacks, phones, and small tools, providing easy access during rides without the need for additional bags or pouches.

  • Flexibility: They allow cyclists to wear different tops, such as loose-fitting technical t-shirts, offering a more casual and versatile riding experience compared to traditional jerseys.

  • Increased storage capacity: Especially useful during colder weather, cargo bibs provide additional storage space for extra layers, gloves, and other necessities, enabling riders to stay prepared for longer rides without sacrificing comfort or mobility.


  • Aesthetic impact: Some cyclists may dislike the appearance of cargo bib shorts due to the added pockets, which can disrupt the clean lines and aerodynamic profile of traditional cycling attire.

  • Potential discomfort: Depending on the design and placement of the cargo pockets, there is a possibility of discomfort or chafing during longer rides, particularly if the contents of the pockets create pressure points or friction against the skin.


So, to all the naysayers out there turning up their noses at cargo bibs, we say this: embrace the pockets, embrace the convenience, and embrace the freedom to ride without limitations. Cargo bibs may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those who dare to think outside the jersey pocket, they're a game-changer. So go ahead, strap on those cargo bibs and hit the road. Your snacks (and your legs) will thank you.

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